Tregyb Wood, (Coed Tregyb) nr Llandeilo, Carmathenshire
Acquisition of 67 acres of SSSI woodland, part of the largest area of woodland in South East Camarthenshire. The wood occupies a gentle north-facing slope bisected by the shallow valley of a west flowing stream. Much of the site is permanently wet with heavy, slow draining clay soils. The adjoining land use includes broad-leaved woodland, conifer plantation, pasture, improved grassland and public road. The ancient woodland is made up of Oak/Ash woodland with Hazel coppice together with wet woodland dominated by Alder. Parts of the woodland appear to be secondary woodland regenerated on old pastures. Botanically they are indistinguishable from the surrounding woodland. The woodland was clear felled during WW1. The few remaining old trees are found mainly on the boundaries, which retain some of the epiphytic communities and are a refuge for many species rare or absent from the rest of the woodland. The woodland is botanically diverse with over 100 species being recorded. Dormice have also been recorded from the site. The biodiversity value of the site is enhanced by an area of mire, which supports a range of wetland plants. The importance of the site has been recognised by the Countryside Council for Wales by its designation as a SSSI.
Grant awarded
Year awarded